Privacy Policy

Southside Christian Church respects your privacy rights.

Southside Christian Church understands that the Internet and mobile communications can be powerful assets to your spiritual life. At the same time, we strive to respect and protect your privacy. When you are visiting this website or communicating with us by mobile device, we may collect all types of information concerning your viewing patterns, your browser, operating system and IP address, and any personally identifiable information that you provide to us, regardless of whether it is required or not. Personally identifiable information is any information that could reasonably be used to identify you personally. This includes, but is not limited to: name, address, email address, telephone number, zip code, gender, birthday, credit card information and hobbies. In order to provide you with a customized website and to track your viewing patterns, we may place a "cookie" on your computer that allows us to recognize you when you visit our site. For more information about cookies, see below. This policy is a summary of what information Southside Christian Church collects and how that information is used.

What type of information does Southside Christian Church collect?

Southside Christian Church collects two different types of information. One type is voluntary information, which you provide, such as registration information for events, membership information, or shipping and billing information. The other type of information Southside Christian Church collects is user information provided by your computer each time you visit this site or by your mobile device when you send us text message requests and we respond to them. The information that Southside Christian Church collects helps us to provide information and service to you. We may combine information from other sources with the information that we collect.

What does Southside Christian Church do with the information that is collected?

Any information that you provide to Southside Christian Church or that is obtained through this website or mobile communications may be used for church purposes. We may disclose your information to companies that provide services for us, to related or affiliated entities or to other sister churches for church purposes, but we will not sell, rent or lease your personal information to commercial entities. Any information that Southside Christian Church may disclose to third parties (other than service providers and sister churches) will only be released in the aggregate and will not contain any personally identifiable information. Aggregate information is useful for church statistics and marketing purposes. Southside Christian Church will not otherwise disclose your name, address, email address or phone number without your express consent, unless disclosure is necessary to comply with laws or relevant legal proceedings. Southside Christian Church may offer services to you such as chat rooms, message boards, or other similar discussion forums. Please be aware that any information you divulge in these arenas is deemed public information and is not protected.

What are cookies and how are they used?

Cookies are bits of computer code that Southside Christian Church places on your computer that can be accessed by our computer when you visit this site. Cookies allow us to collect information about you so that your experience on this site will be as customized as possible. Most computers will automatically receive cookies. You can prevent cookies from being placed on your computer by accessing your browser’s preferences menu. We do not use cookies to obtain any personal information about you before or after you leave the Southside Christian Church sites.

How does linking to other sites affect my privacy protections?

As a courtesy, Southside Christian Church may provide links to other sites that are neither owned nor controlled by Southside Christian Church. These third party sites, however, are NOT subject to or bound by the Southside Christian Church Privacy Policy. Such third party sites may or may not have their own privacy policies and may or may not collect personal information form you or place cookies on your browser. Southside Christian Church is not responsible for the privacy policies or any information collection practices of these sites or any damages resulting therefrom.

How does Southside Christian Church protect the security of information collected about me?

The security of the information that you provide to us is very important to us. Consequently, we have taken several measures designed to protect your information. All transactions involving sensitive information, such as your credit/debit card number and expiration date, are conducted using a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connection. This connection provides increased security to the information as it is transmitted to our website. In the event that our security system is breached, we will attempt to notify you as soon as possible.

Southside Christian Church protects the privacy of children.

Southside Christian Church is committed to protecting the privacy and safety of children. Southside Christian Church does not knowingly accept personally identifiable information from children who are under the age of 13 without verifiable parental consent. If parents choose to grant consent, a parental consent form may be accessed. Simply print and complete the form and mail it to us at the address listed to the left. If you have any questions or concerns about the protection of children’s privacy, or if parents wish to deny consent and request that Southside Christian Church delete their child’s information, please contact us.

Southside Christian Church reserves the right to change or amend this policy.

This policy is effective as of May 06, 2019. Southside Christian Church reserves the right to change, amend, or restate this policy. Therefore, you should revisit this page from time to time to determine the current policy. Southside Christian Church will post any substantial changes in this privacy policy at least 30 days prior to implementation of the change. Any information collected under this current policy will remain bound by the terms of this privacy policy. After the changes take effect, all new information collected, if any, will be subject to the revised privacy policy.

Your affirmative consent to Southside Christian Church’s collection and use of personally identifiable information.
By using this Southside Christian Church website, you are giving us your express consent to use the information that we collect about you in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

Questions or concerns?
If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact Southside Christian Church at: Phone: 573-581-3837